Parastomal hernia repair CPT code
The CPT code used for the repair of parastomal hernia is not used alone but along with codes of repair of hernia via incision. The codes range from 49560 to 49566. These codes are used when stoma requires no revision.
Paracolostomy parastomal hernia repair CPT code
The stoma if revised after the repair of hernia then the specific code is used which describes revision of colostomy along with the repair of parastomal hernia. The CPT code is 44346. If parastomal hernia is repaired via surgery along with repetitive colostomy, then this code is used.
Laparoscopy parastomal hernia repair CPT code
The CPT code for laparoscopy of parastomal hernia lies between the following codes I.e. 49560 to 49566. These CPT codes are used to describe surgical repair of parastomal hernia. But these codes are only used if stoma requires no repetition.
Open parastomal hernia repair CPT code
Open parastomal hernia can be repaired via surgery and the code lies in the range of following codes I.e. 49560 to 49566. The following CPT codes are used only if stoma requires no repetition. All these codes describe surgical repair of parastomal hernia.
Iieal conduit parastomal hernia repair CPT code
50728 is the code used for description of surgery of parastomal hernia along with repetitive conduit. This code is specific for ileal conduit which is repeated along with the repair surgery of parastomal hernia. In case of parastomal hernia repair without ileal conduit a range of codes is used.
Robotic parastomal hernia repair CPT code
There is no specific code available for Robotic parastomal hernia repair.
Incarcerated parastomal hernia repair CPT code
There is no specific code available for Incarcerated parastomal hernia repair
Laparoscopic paracolostomy parastomal hernia repair CPT code
If laparoscopy is performed repetitively along with repetitive colostomy in combination with surgical repair of parastomal hernia then the specific code used is 44346. In case of repair of two different hernias, the CPT code used is 49560. This code elaborate different modifications of procedure.